Monday, 1 October 2012

Les Jardins de Tuilieres & arch de Triomphe

Today we went to the Tuilieres gardens (for those of you who don't speak French that's what that gibberish at the start of my title means) where we went on a playground and then we found out that the place that makes the best hot chocolate in Paris was just across the road. For breakfast we had already had a chocolate donut, beignet au chocolat in French, and after that we visited l'Arc de Triomphe where Joe & dad climbed to the top and joe got an arc de Triomphe model and he also got me an Eiffel tower model we took the metro home. At dinner time we met up with Joseph's parents who are also in Paris, it was interesting that they where staying here at the same time and I had another croque monsieur ( a toasted ham and cheese sandwich) I have eaten a ton of these now and french people can make a mean hamburger. Here are some photos:

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh Benji

    Mary and I are sitting here sobbing. Why can't we be part of YOUR family, instead of the awesome one here at AIFS?

    Tell Lizzy we miss her very much, but would not wish her return. Instead, ask her to find us some work over there.

    P.S. Can you please bring me back a chocolate doughnut from France.

    P.P.S Don't forget my snow dome xoxoxo
