Friday, 21 September 2012

Nice yurt!

Sorry its been a while there was no wifi at the yurt and dads iPad credit ran out. So we stayed the night in a Yurt in the Sussex forest owned by dad's friend Charles. I did a bit of inquiry because the yurt place is all about living off the land and it was really interesting and fun.  At night  we lit lots of candles and had pizzas cooked in a wood fired oven by Charles & Lisa, 10/10 for them. On the way we went to Annn Boliyn's castle we went into two mazes, one was trees and the other was a water maze when you stepped on a pressure pad water came out all over you!.
Here are some photos:


  1. Hey Benji, Joe, Liz and Tony - I've just worked out how to post comments on this so excuse delays. It looks like you guys are having the bestests of times. We are very impressed with your posts - brilliant updates! So keep them up. I'm jealous of the yurt too it looks like fun. Please post some photos or Liz and Tony too - we'd love to see their smiling faces. Hugs to all of you. Paul and Sarah

  2. The yurt looks fantastic! BTW what's with the guy picking his nose while he's talking to you? Gross ;(
